My Favorite Organizing Product! - If I had to own just one product...this would be it!

It sounds ridiculous, right? That a professional organizer would have only one favorite product. There are millions of products out there and so many of them are awesome but, there is one that rises above all others, and I will recommend it and use it myself over and over.

Do you want to know what it is?


Seriously, these bags are so amazing!

  • They are affordable- under $20 in most cases

  • Various Sizes - I use all of them from the smallest to the largest and I’ll give some examples below of all of the ways that I use them

  • They are clear so you can see what is in them, some even have label slots so you can take it even further with a cute label if you want

  • You can wipe them off- they are made of thick vinyl which is both water and moisture resistant

  • Even though they are clear, they are opaque enough that if you wanted to use them to store documents, they would protect your private info

  • They come in so many colors- so you can use a different color for different categories of things in your home or use a different color for each family member- the possibilities are endless

  • Multi-functional- can be used every single day all over your home and on the go!

Now my favorite part! I get to tell you all of the ways I like to use these bags

Travel & On the Go: I always have a few of these in my bag no matter what we are doing

  • Toiletries- holds so much and easy to clean up if something spills

  • Jewelry- Keep your jewelry safe and easy to find when you use these (not tangle free so maybe not great for necklaces but perfect for earrings, rings & bracelets)

  • First Aid- I put a few essentials in these and have them with me all of the time

  • Electronics- keep those cords and chargers contained and easy to find- everyone in our family has one of these in their bag- which makes it so easy for me to know which charger belongs with which device and person

  • Paperwork - I keep our passports in one of these in my bag - easy to find especially if I stick to one color

  • Purse or Backpack- I keep 3 of these in my bag at all times- one for my chargers, one for my make-up/personal items, and one for a small notebook, pens & business cards

  • Kid’s Items- pencils and crayons, small toys, trading cards, small games

  • Diaper Bag- oh the things you could use these for! - keep diaper and feeding supplies separated, small toys, extra clothes, keep pacifiers clean and easy to find, crayons for restaurants, and even pack up some extra snacks

At Home: We use these on a daily basis at home - here are just a few of my favorite uses

  • Toys- SO many uses in the toy department!

    • Boardgames - for some reason, the boxes that the games come in, NEVER seem to hold up. They rip, separate, and fall apart leaving the pieces spilled all over or worse MISSING which makes the game completely useless. Take the games out of their boxes, store the boards, pieces, and directions (if you need them) in one of the larger pouches and you’re all set. If you’re worried you can’t find the game you want, the pouches with the labels will solve this problem. Make a label or cut the name from the box and put it on the outside. Use the smaller pouches to hold card games - toss the box, store the cards and directions, and zip it up! This system makes it easier to take games with you on the go, we grab a few of our favorites and bring them on vacation with us.

    • Puzzles- Puzzle boxes are similar to boardgame boxes, they just don’t seem to hold up and if you’ve ever gotten to the end of the puzzle only to find you’re missing a piece, you know how frustrating that can be. Use these pouches to store the pieces and a photo of the puzzle and you’ll never have to worry about a missing piece again

    • Little Toys- Things like Shopkins, Barbie or Doll Accessories, action figures, or building blocks can all be separated into these pouches. They are easy to find and easy to clean up.

    • Lego / Building Blocks- Keep entire sets together by using these pouches to store the blocks and instructions - again easy to clean up and take on the go

    • Trading Cards- my boys went through a huge Pokémon phase and if you know, you know how those cards seem to multiply. They have a binder for the bulk of the organization but there still always seem to be loose cards floating around the house or they want to take some out of the house to trade with friends so, I gave them a pouch and now they are all contained!

  • Office- Use these to keep smaller office supplies separate- things like paperclips, staples, note cards, pens & pencils - or make a little to-go office supply pouch to take with you

  • Electronics- Use these to keep your cords together with their devices or store your USB or other drives in them - making everything easy to find

  • Holiday- store ornament hooks, keep sets of things together, and keep gift wrap/bags/bows & cards organized

  • Crafting & Art Supplies-Sewing kits & tools, Paint Supplies, Small little items -like pipe cleaners, googly eyes, sequins etc…, colored pencils, markers, crayons - make a pouch for each

  • Bathroom- First Aid Supplies, Medicine, Hair Accessories, Make-up and Feminine Products

Have I sold you on these yet!? I’m so in love with products that can be used in a multitude of ways. Let me know if you’ve tried these and what ways you like to use them!

Happy Organizing!

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