Organize Your Home for Guests this Holiday Season

Preparing your home for guests can help ensure a comfortable and welcoming environment. Here are some tips to help you organize your home for guests:

  • Clean and Declutter: Start by thoroughly cleaning your home and removing any unnecessary clutter. This will create a fresh and inviting space for your guests. Check out my blog on Easy Things to Declutter Today to help get you started.

  • Prepare the Guest Room: If you have a dedicated guest room, make sure it is clean and tidy. Freshen up the linens and make the bed with clean sheets. Test any air mattresses or blow-up beds to ensure they are in good condition.

  • Provide Essential Amenities: Make sure your guests have access to essential amenities such as toiletries, towels, and extra blankets. Consider leaving a basket of toiletries in the guest bathroom or bedroom for their convenience.

  • Clear Closet Space: If you have a guest room with a closet, clear some space for your guests to hang their clothes. If there is no dedicated guest room, consider clearing a small space in your own closet for their use.

  • Create a Welcoming Atmosphere: Add personal touches to make your guests feel at home. Consider leaving a small welcome gift or providing information about local attractions and activities. You can also leave books or magazines near the bed for their enjoyment. Create a cheat sheet with your Wi-Fi information and show them how your TV works and how to access any apps they may want to watch.

  • Stock Up on Essentials: Make sure you have plenty of food and drinks available for your guests. Stock the fridge with their favorite beverages and snacks. Consider offering breakfast basics such as coffee, juice, fruit, and muffins.

  • Provide Important Information: Leave a list of emergency contacts in case your guests need assistance while you’re away. Also, provide instructions for household appliances or systems that may be unfamiliar to them- especially if you have a funky coffeemaker or an alarm system.

  • Keep your Guests Informed: Have a quick check-in with your guests each night, and let them know the expectations and plans for the next day. Maybe you have a work call in the morning but would like to take them to lunch at a new cafe afterward, giving them a heads up will allow them to maybe sleep in, take their time getting ready, and know what to wear for the day. Ideally, you’d let them know what time meals are and any other outings or activities you have planned while they visit.

Remember, the goal is to create a comfortable and inviting space for your guests. By following these tips, you can ensure that your home is organized and ready to welcome visitors.