Declutter your Kitchen in 7 Steps!

The kitchen is often the heart of the home, where you cook, eat, and socialize with your family and friends. But it can also be the most cluttered and chaotic room in the house, where you have piles of dishes, utensils, appliances, food, and other items that take up space and make it hard to find what you need or enjoy your time. If you're tired of dealing with kitchen clutter and want to create a more organized and functional space, here are seven simple steps to declutter your kitchen and make it sparkle.

1. Clear the countertops. The countertops are the most visible and frequently used surfaces in your kitchen, so keeping them clear and clean can make a big difference in how your kitchen looks and feels. Start by removing everything from your countertops and wiping them down with a damp cloth. Then, only put back the items that you use daily or weekly, such as a coffee maker, a toaster, or a knife block. Store the rest of the items in cabinets, drawers, or pantry shelves.

2. Sort the drawers. The drawers are where you store your cutlery, utensils, tools, and other small items that you need for cooking and eating. To declutter your drawers, take everything out and sort them into three piles: keep, donate, or trash. Keep only the items that you use regularly or that are in good condition. Donate or trash the items that are broken, duplicate, or unused. Then, organize the items that you keep into categories, such as spoons, forks, knives, etc. You can use drawer dividers or trays to keep them neat and easy to access.

3. Organize the cabinets. The cabinets are where you store your dishes, pots, pans, bakeware, glassware, and other large items that you need for cooking and serving. To declutter your cabinets, follow the same process as for the drawers: take everything out and sort them into three piles: keep, donate, or trash. Keep only the items that you use frequently or that are in good shape. Donate or trash the items that are chipped, cracked, or unused. Then, organize the items that you keep into categories, such as plates, bowls, cups, etc. You can use shelf organizers or racks to maximize your space and make it easier to see and reach your items.

4. Clean the appliances. The appliances are the machines that help you prepare and cook your food, such as the stove, oven, microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher, etc. To declutter your appliances, start by unplugging them and wiping them down with a damp cloth. Then, remove any unnecessary or expired items from inside them and clean them thoroughly with soap and water or a suitable cleaner.

  • For example: For the stove: remove the burners and drip pans and soak them in hot water and vinegar for 15 minutes. Then scrub them with a sponge and rinse them with water.

  • For the oven: remove the racks and soak them in hot water and baking soda for 15 minutes. Then scrub them with a sponge and rinse them with water.

  • For the microwave: fill a microwave-safe bowl with water and lemon juice and heat it for 5 minutes. Then wipe down the inside of the microwave with a damp cloth.

  • For the refrigerator: remove all the food items and check their expiration dates. Throw away any spoiled or expired food and wipe down the shelves and drawers with a damp cloth.

  • For the dishwasher: run an empty cycle with vinegar or baking soda to remove any grease or odors.

5. Purge the pantry. The pantry is where you store your dry goods, canned goods, spices, condiments, and other food items that have a long shelf life. To declutter your pantry, take everything out and check their expiration dates. Throw away any stale or expired food and wipe down the shelves with a damp cloth. Then, organize the food items into categories, such as grains, pasta, cereal, etc. You can use, or jars to store them and label them for easy identification. You can also use lazy susans, spice racks, or door organizers to make use of vertical space and keep your items visible and accessible.

6. Tidy up the sink area. The sink area is where you wash and dry your dishes, utensils, and produce. To declutter your sink area, start by washing and putting away any dirty dishes that are in or around the sink. Then, remove any unnecessary or unused items from the sink, such as old sponges, scrubbers, or soap dispensers. You can use a sink caddy or a tray to store your dishwashing essentials, such as a sponge, a brush, and a soap bottle. You can also use a dish rack or a drying mat to dry your dishes and utensils after washing them.

7. Add some finishing touches. The finishing touches are the details that make your kitchen more inviting and enjoyable, such as plants or candles. To add some finishing touches to your kitchen, choose a few items that match your style and personality and place them in strategic spots, such as the windowsill, the wall, or the table. You can also use a diffuser, an air freshener, or a potpourri to add some fragrance and freshness to your kitchen. By following these seven simple steps, you can declutter your kitchen and make it a more organized and functional space. You'll be amazed by how much easier it is to eat, cook, and socialize in your kitchen.