Digitize Your Photo Collection Today
Digitizing your photos is a great way to preserve and make your memories easily accessible. Here are some reasons why you should digitize your photos:
Digital photos will not fade, bend or rip over the years.
They don’t take up space in your home.
You can easily organize and search for them on your computer.
You can touch up digital photos using software to restore color, remove red eyes and more.
There are many ways to digitize your photos. You can pay for professional services to digitize your family photos, or you can save money by taking a DIY approach and digitizing them at home. Here are some recommended ways to turn them into digital files and how to store them once they’ve been converted:
Use a Scanner to Digitize Photos at Home
Use a Digital Camera to Digitize Your Photos
Use an App to Digitize Photos With Your Phone
Use a Professional Photo-Digitizing Service
You can share your old photographs with family and friends on social media or through email when you digitize them. It’s so easy to share your old family photographs once you start digitizing them. You can also surprise relatives and family friends with pictures from your shared past that none of you had seen in decades.
Contact me today to see how I can help you organize, scan, and preserve those precious family memories.